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also Moscow is called so

  • 1 City of the Seven Hills (The city of Rome bulit on seven hills - Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal; also Moscow is called so)

    Религия: город на семи холмах

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > City of the Seven Hills (The city of Rome bulit on seven hills - Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal; also Moscow is called so)

  • 2 Mkhat, Moscow Academic Art Theatre

    Общая лексика: МХАТ, Московский Художественный Академический (also called (until 1939) Moscow Art Theatre, Russian Moscovsky Akademichesky Khudozhestvenny Teatr, or Moscovsky Khudozhestvenny Teatr, abbreviation Mkhat, МХАТ)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Mkhat, Moscow Academic Art Theatre

  • 3 City of the Seven Hills

    Религия: Москва, (The city of Rome bulit on seven hills - Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal; also Moscow is called so) город на семи холмах

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > City of the Seven Hills

  • 4 city of the seven hills

    Религия: Москва, (The city of Rome bulit on seven hills - Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal; also Moscow is called so) город на семи холмах

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > city of the seven hills

  • 5 punctuation

    n пунктуация, знаки препинания Знаки препинания в английском языке употребляются реже и не так, как в русском языке. К основным случаям употребления знаков препинания в английском языке следует отнести: (1). Предложения, выражающие просьбу, заканчиваются как правило точкой, даже если они стоят в вопросительной форме:

    Will you send me your latest article.

    May I take it.

    (2). Косвенный вопрос заканчивается точкой, а не вопросительным знаком:

    Do you mind if I come a little later.

    He hesitated whether to stay or leave at once.

    (3). Запятой отделяются:
    1). обстоятельственные придаточные предложения, если они стоят в начале предложения перед главным. Если придаточное следует за главным, то оно запятой не отделяется.

    When it was convenient for him, he went to the office.

    Cp. We worked overtime whenever it was necessary;

    2). причастные и абсолютные обороты, стоящие в начале предложения.

    The rain having stopped, we went for a walk.

    A doctor, called to the scene, examined the injured man;

    3). вводные инфинитивные конструкции. То be successful, one must work hard. Если инфинитивная конструкция выполняет функцию подлежащего, то она запятой не отделяется — То become a doctor was his dream;
    4). все вводные слова, обороты, словосочетания и придаточные предложения:
    а) слова типа however, moreover, therefore, besides, consequently, so to speak, in short, of course, as a result, we suppose, I think, as for as she is concerned:

    Besides, he didn't receive any answer.

    Of course, there are many ways to do it.

    Someone, I suppose, should check the papers;

    б) вводные обороты, прерывающие логическую последовательность изложения — Не disliked, and I agree with him, his manner of presentation the problem;
    в) слово also, если оно стоит в начале предложения для усиления — Also, we noticed that the prices were going up ( в остальных случаях also запятой не отделяется, ср. We also noticed that the prices were going up);
    5). вступительные слова и выражения типа yes, indeed, really, surely, well —

    Yes, I would like to say a few words on the problem.

    Well, the next thing we knew he had fired a shot;

    6). описательные определительные придаточные, которые могут быть опущены без ущерба для смысла предложения, в отличие от ограничивающих определительных придаточных, которые опущены быть не могут (последние запятой не отделяются) —

    The girl who lives next door came to work to our office,

    cp. Mary Jones, who lives next door, came to see us.

    The book (that) you gave me to read was very useful to me,

    cp. Pygmalion, the play written by B. Shaw, has been staged by many theatres;

    7). обращения — Henry, fetch another chair, please. I am sorry, Mr. White, that I must interrupt you; 8). конструкции-приложения — Thomas, our manager, is ill. Приложения, тесно связанные с определяемым словом и образующие единое словосочетание, запятой не отделяются — My cousin Bob. Mary Queen of Scots. His friend Bill; 9). ряд однородных определений — She decided to have potatoes, beans, and ice cream. He walked off the stage, turned round, came back, and stared at the audience. He asked for paper, a pencil, and a ruler. They lived in a little, white house; 10). части сложносочиненных предложений, соединенных одним из сочинительных союзов and, but, for, or, nor, while (в значении but) — I dictated the letter, but she didn't put it down correctly. В тех случаях, когда сочинительного союза нет, части сложносочиненного предложения весьма распространенные и внутри имеют свои собственные знаки препинания, запятая между ними не употребляется; в этих случаях предпочтительнее точка с запятой или точка. Нераспространенные части сложносочиненных предложений, даже при наличии союза, запятой не отделяются — Не looked around but he didn't see anybody; 11). слова, выражающие противопоставления — I asked you to fill the document, not to destroy it. I'll let you do it this time, but never again. Children should be seen, but not heard; 12). прямая речь — He asked, "How long will it take you"; 13). вопросная часть разделительных вопросов — Не was right, wasn't he?; 14). обозначения даты и месяца отделяются запятой от обозначения места и года — April 8, 1872; Moscow, July 12, 1972; 15). звания, стоящие после имени собственного — Adams, Ph. D; 16). в четырехзначных и более числительных запятой отделяются числительные после тысячи — 1,767; 2,565,727; 17). номера страниц, два одинаковых слова или два или более чисел, выраженных цифровыми последовательностями и стоящих рядом — Lucy told you, you should stay here; Since 1988, 12,000 new machines have been sold. (4). Запятой не отделяются:
    а) слова в городских адресах, при обозначении страниц, года: page 15; in the year 1986; 115 Oxford Street;
    б) ограничивающие определительные и относительные придаточные, а также дополнительные придаточные — Не knows that you will be late. The book you gave me was very useful.
    (5). Точка с запятой используется главным образом в официальной письменной речи, в которой много очень длинных и синтаксически сложных предложений; в обыденной переписке не рекомендуется использовать точку с запятой слишком часто. (6). Двоеточие, как и в русском языке, употребляется перед перечислением, разъяснением и в приветствиях в деловой переписке. В обыденной, неофициальной переписке после обращения может использоваться запятая — Dear Mr. Brown; My dear Madam; cp. Dear Jane. Если после двоеточия следует полное предложение, то первое слово такого предложения пишется с заглавной буквы:

    These are your duties: Sort the mail, open all that is not personal, throw away the envelopes, and bring the letters to me.

    Если список перечисленных пунктов расположен в столбик, каждая новая строка должна начинаться с заглавной буквы, после каждого пункта знак препинания не ставится: You should know how to use the following office machines:
    1. Typewriter
    2. Calculator
    3. Copy Machine.
    (7). Двоеточие используется для отделения различных частей отсылок, заглавий, формул и числительных: The time was 9:15 p. m; We were given Chapter XII: Section 19 for our homework. (8). Кавычки в английском языке пишутся только сверху: “Where”, he asked, “are you going to keep it?” Только первое слово приводимой прямой речи пишется с заглавной буквы, вторая часть, если прямая речь прервана, пишется с маленькой буквы. (9). Кавычки не употребляются в косвенной речи: Не asked where we would keep it. (10). Заключенное в кавычки высказывание обычно заканчивается запятой или точкой перед закрывающимися кавычками: “They are not here,” he said.

    English-Russian word troubles > punctuation

  • 6 Mkhat

    Театр: Mkhat (also called (until 1939) Moscow Art Theatre, Russian Moscovsky Akademichesky Khudozhestvenny Teatr, or Moscovsky Khudozhestvenny Teatr, abbreviation Mkhat)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Mkhat

  • 7 МХАТ

    Театр: МХАТ (also called (until 1939) Moscow Art Theatre, Russian Moscovsky Akademichesky Khudozhestvenny Teatr, or Moscovsky Khudozhestvenny Teatr, abbreviation Mkhat)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > МХАТ

  • 8 Section II. Concluding and Transitional Provisions

    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall come into force from the moment of its official publication according to the results of a nationwide referendum.
    The day of the nationwide referendum of December 12, 1993 shall be considered to be the day of adopting the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously The Constitution of Russia (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Federation – Russia, adopted on April 12, 1978 with all amendments and changes, shall become invalid. In case of non-compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the provisions of the Federal treaty – the Treaty on the Division of Subjects of Jurisdiction and Powers Between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and the Bodies of Authority of the Sovereign Republics within the Russian Federation, the Treaty on the Division of Subjects of Jurisdiction and Powers Between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and the Bodies of Authority of the Territories, Regions, Cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg of the Russian Federation, the Treaty on the Division of Subjects of Jurisdiction and Powers Between the Federal Bodies of State Power of the Russian Federation and the Bodies of Authority of the Autonomous Region, and Autonomous Areas within the Russian Federation, and also other treaties concluded between the federal bodies of state authority of the Russian Federation and bodies of state authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation, treaties between the bodies of state authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be applicable. 2. The laws and other legal acts acting in the territory of the Russian Federation before the given Constitution comes into force shall be applied in that part which does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 3. The President of the Russian Federation, elected according to The Constitution of Russia (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Federation – Russia, since the given Constitution comes into force, since carry out the powers fixed in it until the term of office for which he was elected expires. 4. The Council of Ministers (Government) of the Russian Federation from the moment when the given Constitution comes into force shall acquire the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Government of the Russian Federation fixed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and since then shall be called the Government of the Russian Federation. 5. The courts of the Russian Federation shall administer justice according to their powers fixed by the given Constitution. After the Constitution comes into force, the judges of all the courts of the Russian Federation shall retain their powers until the term they were elected for expires. Vacant positions shall be filled in according to the rules fixed by the given Constitution. 6. Until the adoption and coming into force of the federal law establishing the rules for considering cases by a court of jury, the existing rules of court examination of corresponding cases shall be preserved. Until the criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation is brought into conformity with the provisions of the present Constitution, the previous rules for arrest, detention and keeping in custody of people suspected of committing crime shall be preserved. 7. The Council of the Federation of the first convocation and the State Duma of the first convocation shall be elected for a period of two years. 8. The Council of the Federation shall meet in its first sitting on the thirtieth day after its election. The first sitting of the Council of the Federation shall be opened by the President of the Russian Federation. 9. A deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation may be simultaneously a member of the Government of the Russian Federation. The provisions of the present Constitution on the immunity of deputies in that part which concerns the actions (inaction) connected with fulfillment of office duties shall not extend to the deputies of the State Duma, members of the Government of the Russian Federation. The deputies of the Council of the Federation of the first convocation shall exercise their powers on a non-permanent basis. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Раздел II. Заключительные и переходные положения[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Abschnitt II. Die Schluss- und Uebergangsbestimmungen[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Titre II. Les Dispositions finales et transitoires[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Section II. Concluding and Transitional Provisions

См. также в других словарях:

  • Moscow — This article is about the capital of Russia. For other uses, see Moscow (disambiguation). Moscow Москва (Russian)   Federal city   …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow Pride — Moscow International Gay Pride Festival Logo[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow — • The ancient capital of Russia and the chief city of the government (province) of Moscow, situated in almost the centre of European Russia Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Moscow     Moscow …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Moscow Metro — Info Locale Moscow Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast Transit type …   Wikipedia

  • MOSCOW — (Rus. Moskva), capital of the Russian Federation, and, from the Middle Ages, the political, economic, and commercial center of russia . Up to the end of the 18th century, Jews were forbidden to reside in Moscow, although many Jewish merchants… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Moscow State Pedagogical University — Московский педагогический государственный университет Old main building, in Malaya Pirogovskaya Established 1872, 1918 Type …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow Oblast — Московская область (Russian)   Oblast   …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow Mathematical Papyrus — Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow 14th problem of the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus (V. Struve, 1930) Date …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow International House of Music — The Moscow International Performing Arts Center was officially opened on September 28, 2003 with the debut of a new orchestra, the National Philharmonic of Russia under musical director Vladimir Spivakov.[1] Also known …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow Monorail — Info …   Wikipedia

  • Moscow, Idaho —   City   Welcome sign in Moscow, Idaho …   Wikipedia

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